

Only in Texas

Mark Zable, a chef in Texas, has created the world's first recipe for deep-fried beer.  The beer is poured into a pocket of pretzel-like dough and then fried in 375 degree oil for 15-20 seconds. 

The deep-fried beer will be unveiled in a fried food competition at the Texas state fair at the end of the month.  Mr Zable has primarily been deep frying Guinness, but may try pale ale as well. Last year's winner of the Texas fried food competition was a recipe for deep-fried butter.  

Remind me again why there's an obesity epidemic in the US?

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I'm 25 years old and working for a consulting company in a job that takes me across Europe. Sometimes my job is great and the travel is incredibly exciting. Sometimes, its horrible with unbearably long hours and unnecessary pressure, and I feel like crying (often I do). Through the ups and downs, this is my life.