

Gap Logo Fiasco

Yesterday, Gap announced that it was switching back to its old logo.  The new “modern, sexy cool” logo was launched last week.  Apparently, after a barrage of complaints on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace, they pulled it back.  

How was anyone even aware that Gap had switched logos in the first place?   And last time I checked, adding a blue box to the corner of your name does not make you sexy or cool. 

Whoever is doing their PR needs to be fired immediately.  That means you Kelly Cutrone.

The failed logo

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I'm 25 years old and working for a consulting company in a job that takes me across Europe. Sometimes my job is great and the travel is incredibly exciting. Sometimes, its horrible with unbearably long hours and unnecessary pressure, and I feel like crying (often I do). Through the ups and downs, this is my life.