

41 Places to Go in 201

Check out the New York Times' 41 Places to Go in 2011

I don't think I'll be making it to # 36 Kosovo or # 34 Iraqi Kurdistan anytime soon, but I've always wanted to visit #19 Hyderabad, India and I wouldn't mind a trip to #3 Koi Samui, Thailand (minus the sex tourism).

Skiing in #18 Erzurum, Turkey also sounds cool.  It's probably stupid to go all to the way to Turkey to ski when I can see the Alps out of the window of my office in Zurich, but I then I can say I went to one of the 41 places to go in 2011.  I'm trying to convince my friend Amanda to do a ski trip this Spring, and Erzurum is on her list to complete.  No way out of it now Amanda!

Miami and London are there too.  Come visit me if you want to cross those off! That means you Chada.

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About Me

I'm 25 years old and working for a consulting company in a job that takes me across Europe. Sometimes my job is great and the travel is incredibly exciting. Sometimes, its horrible with unbearably long hours and unnecessary pressure, and I feel like crying (often I do). Through the ups and downs, this is my life.