

My New Love

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I wanted to share with you my newest love: Giambattista Valli shoes.  How can you not look fabulous walking around with a bouquet on your feet?  The flowers are dainty and lovely. And, it's double the fun because they come in both a heel and a flat.  Perfect for tea parties, polo matches, or just pure fabulousness.  Now, I just need to find someone to invite me to a polo match....working on that.   

1 comment:

Megan said...

I went to a Polo match and it was so muddy I ruined my pants. Might want to go somewhere a bit more dignified.

About Me

I'm 25 years old and working for a consulting company in a job that takes me across Europe. Sometimes my job is great and the travel is incredibly exciting. Sometimes, its horrible with unbearably long hours and unnecessary pressure, and I feel like crying (often I do). Through the ups and downs, this is my life.