

Chocolate Indulgences

Daily Candy posted a selection of  Chocolate Indulgences So Decadent They Might Be NSFW.  My mouth is literally watering when I look at the pictures.   My favorite are the chocolate peanut butter macaroons.  They look out of this world. I seriously think I might need to order some when I get back to the US.  The Lilibits candy bars come in a close second.  They have flavors like pecan pie, s’mores, and PB&J.  Yum. Yum. Yum.  I'm also intrguied by the Salzon chocolate bars.  They are vegan dark chocolate bars with a sprinkling of sea salt. You can even get one with cracked black pepper.

I was thinking of spending the weekend in Paris, and now that I have chocolate and macarons on my mind , I think I'll definitely need to go if only for a trip to La Duree.  They probably won't have a chocolate peanut-butter flavor, but I'll take what I can get.

Sucre 7 Chocolate Peanut Butter Maracons

Liddabit Sweets

Salazon Chocolate Co.

Chocolate Liquor Cake

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About Me

I'm 25 years old and working for a consulting company in a job that takes me across Europe. Sometimes my job is great and the travel is incredibly exciting. Sometimes, its horrible with unbearably long hours and unnecessary pressure, and I feel like crying (often I do). Through the ups and downs, this is my life.